In an ideal world, everyone’s right to live a free and authentic life would be respected and protected. Unfortunately, LGBTQIA, people of color, live in societies in which certain cultural identities are more privileged than our own diverse identities. We grow up hearing negative and disparaging comments about our racial, ethnic, sexual, and gender identities and over time, these instances of discrimination and marginalization can have harmful effects on our mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. At times, these stereotypes can be internalized and might affect our self-esteem. You might find that you are simultaneously viewing and judging yourself through your own eyes and the eyes of other people. In addition, we also might feel conflicted or fearful about the coming out process regarding our sexual or gender identities and worry about how it could negatively affect potential opportunities, employment, and significant relationships, such as with family and friends.
As LGBTQIA, people of color, it can be hard to find spaces in which you feel safe and like your identities are truly understood and seen. It can also feel isolating and harder to connect with significant people in your life. In psychodynamic psychotherapy, we can work together to help you address and undo harmful messages that you learned while growing up. We can explore the coming out process and identify ways in which you can authentically live your life. I also provide ongoing support as you continue to navigate and challenge multiple systems of oppression.